I do NOT recommend importing all of your windows fonts to Linux. Sure, you paid for windows, and should be able to use all the windows fonts on any OS you want, but Microsoft (and their lawyers) may not feel the same way. Read your license agreement carefully. Instead, you should install the freely released and licensed to all for any use Microsoft "core" fonts. (Also, Arial-9 killed my firefox install)
But, if after that warning you still want to import all of your Microsoft Windows truetype fonts from your windows partition to your linux partition and install them system wide, here is what to do:
Gain root privileges: sudo bash
Make a directory to store the fonts: mkdir /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msfonts
Find the fonts on your windows partition, for me this was /media/sda1/Windows/Fonts
copy the fonts over: cp /media/sda1/Windows/Fonts/*.ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msfonts
Re-create the font cache: fc-cache -f -v
I actually found it easier just to link over the Windows font directory:
ln -s /media/sda1/WINDOWS/Fonts /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msfonts
Thanks for sharing this, just what I was looking for.