4 thoughts on “Review: Rhode Gear Citadel ATB u-Lock – Not Recommended!

  1. I used to have one of those, but I lost the key. If I recall correctly, the loop was significantly smaller diameter than my normal Kryptonite one and the metal just felt cheap; I’m not surprised if it fell prey to normal bolt cutter, but I’m sorry to hear that you lost your bike.

    I saw some bike thiefs at GT in 1998 or so that were using a small hydraulic jack to defeat u-locks rather effortlessly, so long as they could fit the jack in place. 🙁

    This is a kind of neat trade on locks:

  2. I received the lock with the bike (for $60 total). With such an inexpensive bike I didn’t feel the need to upgrade to a better lock, but it’s still disappointing. They also got the rear rack I had added to the bike, which increased it’s value by quite a bit.

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