Project Source 11″ LED Integrated Light Failure (Flashing) IPX8011LS-ORB

Two and a half years ago I purchased a 2 pack of LED integrated lights for my house from Lowes. They were the IPX8011LS-ORB units, and cost $50 for the two pack. Recently, the electronics in one failed such that the light would flash on and off quickly (2-4 times a second) instead of saying lit continuously once the electronics puck heated up. Here are some photos of the old/bad unit (click to enlarge).

Some of the model numbers I found in the old unit: C041218 (18W LED Driver Triac dimming)   BG0358-110C036-03 (on the circuit board) HH-03 94V0 E327405 4515 (also on the circuit board.

Luckily, it came with a 3 year warranty and I was able to find my receipt, so I took it to Lowes and they replaced it with one that looked exactly the same on the outside, but had a different item number on the box and a completely different set of electronics on the inside. Photos of the new unit, which has worked fine so far:

Serial/Model numbers/markings I found on the new unit: 41056, F11-1L   L.MAC6-1430-L021-00, KF-FAND-S008-V00 2019.01.07 1400LM (1400 Lumen?), Intertek 4008733,



UPDATE: March 2022, the 2nd (original) unit from the (original) 2 pack failed in the same way (out of warranty). I replaced it with an inexpensive fixture that takes replaceable (LED) bulbs.   [The replacement unit from the 2019 failure is still working fine…]

17 thoughts on “Project Source 11″ LED Integrated Light Failure (Flashing) IPX8011LS-ORB

  1. BTW, the new model number, etc: Item # 856073 Model # 41056

    Project Source 2-Pack 11-in Oil-Rubbed Bronze Rustic Integrated LED Flush Mount Light ENERGY STAR

    • I’m afraid I don’t have an answer for you. I expect that you may have to just buy a new lamp to get the white glass cover (but, you would then have a spare light unit….) It is possible that the white cover is a “standard” size that you could find/buy online somewhere, but I have no links for you…

  2. Have the same issue with 3 of these in my house. 1 is a fluke. 3 is a pattern. Unfortunately we bought this house about 4 years ago so no receipts. But frustrating to say the least. Not sure is Project Source is aware of the issue and does anything for folks experiencing this problem?

    • Unless you have warranty coverage, you are probably going to just have to buy a replacement. On the plus side, the new models appear to be updated (so they might work longer?), and are relatively inexpensive. Keep your receipts ;>

    • We bought a house only 2.5 years ago that has these installed all over and three have recently died. The previous owners obviously had replaced most of the old light fixtures. I’m sure they’re the cheapest junk you can buy.

  3. Thanks for your informative post. We bought three of these. One of them, installed in the bathroom, failed right away – we returned and installed a replacement, which worked for a few months and failed again. The other two in the hallway corridors are still working. Perhaps the lamps are not rated for damp operation?

    • Perhaps. My failed unit was in a bedroom closet, so no more humid than normal (in a house in Florida, so probably 60% RH all the time).

  4. Bought the 1400LM roughly 2-3 yrs ago.. Now having the same problem as described above. Only half of light comes on and takes a minute or so to go completely out.. But your attic was helpful. I’ll go buy a new one instead of calling my electrician out. Thanks

  5. I bought 2 2 paks and installed four in my living/dining area. They started going bad one after the other but at least I got 7 years out of them. There is 1 of the 4 still not exhibiting the flashing problem. I would not have bought them had I known this would happen. Looking for any way to fix inexpensively now but I doubt i will fin that and probably just install fixtures with replaceable bulbs (60 W fixtures using 100 W LED to get the same brightness from the size).

    • Yah, I think “led integrated” fixtures are a great idea, but horrible implementation [of the control electronics mostly]. Time to go back to light fixtures with replaceable (led) bulbs.

  6. I have a light kit model number LMAC4-1430 for a harbor breeze ceiling fan.The light just stop working is there a fuse or something I can check we have 2 of the same fans and lights so I took one out of another room that does work plugged it into the fan and it works but the other light does not

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