I printed this Charmander figure from Thingiverse#4600030 on my Monoprice Delta Mini 3D printer, and primed it with white spray-paint.
I added flame effects to the tail, then painted the orange on the bottom of the figure and the belly/bottom-of-tail yellow and coated the inside of the mouth with pink. Once that was dry I used double sided tape to attach it to the top of a piece of 1″ dowel to serve as a painting handle.
After that I coated the top part of the body orange, picked out the tonails and teeth with white, and free handed the black and blue parts of the eyes.
After that, I drybrushed a bit of red onto the back for an Object Source Lighting effect from the flame on his tail, and finished the model with clear-coat from a spraycan.
If the photos above are not enough, you can follow along in the videos below…