Rostock Mini Z-Axis accuracy

When calibrating the bed of a standard 3D printer, you can slide a piece of paper under the extruder and adjust the bed until it’s touching the extruder (but still able to be pulled out) in several places to level the bed about right. However, with a delta bot, your X/Y/Z coordinate system must be converted mathematically into the coordinate system of the three carriages ridding the towers, and determining if your calibration parameters are correct is not as easy. If your calibration parameters are incorrect, your entire coordinate space may be warped!

I was able to eyeball things to get my calibration parameters set up “good enough” for standard use, but it still wasn’t perfect. I finally broke down and shelled out $15 for a cheap Chinese made machinist’s dial indicator so that I could get my coordinate space transforms square and flat down to a thousandths of an inch. (I changed one calibration parameter by 0.5 mm…so it wasn’t terribly far off from the “eyeball” approach, but I feel better about it now…)

Here is a video of the machinist’s dial indicator in action:

The nine small vertical “bumps” in the beginning of the video is from me pushing the 0.1mm down button on the control interface multiple times until I got the indicator close to the top of the dial. As you can see from the dial it takes nine 0.1mm bumps to travel around 3.5 hundredths of an inch. Google says that 0.9mm = 0.0354331 inches, so my units appear to line up right.

I also jumped the head up and down 10mm at a time to show that the head comes back to the same Z height.

When I scrape the probe back and forth in the Y axis the indicator jiggles around due to friction, but you can see that the measurements don’t move more than 0.01″ when the probe moved across the entire glass build plate (and it’s very close to 0.001″ accuracy when stopped at the end and middle points). Overall I’m very happy with the positional accuracy and calibration of the motion platform now. Although I only measured the Z axis with my dial indicator, because it’s a delta-bot the z-axis is a joint effort of all three towers, so I figure that my positioning accuracy in the Z coordinate axis is a good proxy for the X and Y coordinate axis as well.

Greg’s Wade Bowden Extruder for Rostock-Mini

The original direct drive Airtripper V3 extruder that I had made for my Rostock-Mini was almost able to get the job done. However, my stepper just didn’t quite have enough torque to push the filament directly, and it would “skip” steps relatively continuously. I could still print large objects, but they would have a “foamy” appearance due to using less plastic than they really should. Also, my stepper motor and drivers were getting hot due to all the extra current flowing through them.

I finally decided it just wasn’t going to work well enough for production use, and printed an extruder (Gregs Accessible Wade extruder) that has a printed gear system for a large mechanical advantage. I adapted it to feed into my Bowden tube and mount onto the top of my Rostock-mini frame with two printed parts.

It made all the difference in the world. My geared extruder can now easily feed filament continuously through the hot end at a 300mm/min rate.

I also printed an adapter plate that holds the stepper motor and attached extruder in the appropriate location/angle. In the future I may integrate this with parts from Gregs Wade extruder design to build an integrated extruder.

How to make a 264 gallon rain “barrel” out of a liquid tote tank


I was recently given a 264 gallon liquid tote tank. That’s 1000 liters for you non-americans. These tanks are typically used to transport and store liquid products such as corn syrup or dish soap for small to medium sized industrial processes (large industrial processes get tanker cars full of liquid….). The tank itself is made of HDPE (high density polyethylene), which is the same plastic that milk jugs are made of, recycling number “2” (but it’s quite a bit thicker!) and it is protected by a galvanized steel cage with forklift points on the bottom.

Unfortunately, mine come with a semi-proprietary valve and nozzle. To make it into a (large!) rain barrel, I wanted to attach a standard 3/4″ hose bib. Continue reading

Finishing the Rostock-Mini

I find that getting a 3D printer working (i.e. printing parts) is relatively straightforward. But getting it FINISHED takes just as much time. Over the last month I have been working on finalizing all of the little bits of my Rostock-Mini that will take it from a “working printer” to something I am willing to put on a desktop and show off.

First, I needed a spool roller. I could have mounted the spool beside the printer on top of one of the many tabletop bearing spool rollers on Thingiverse, but I really wanted the footprint of the printer to be self contained, so I decided to mount the spool horizontally above the printer, and of course, designed my own horizontal spool roller system.


The biggest threat to a “finished” look is wires. Lots and lots of wires. Lets count them up… 4 per servo (16 so far), 2 per end stop (6 more makes 24!), 2 for each heater (extruder/bed) and temp sensor (extruder/bed) and fan (10 more make 34!) plus a few more to power the whole thing!

I tackled the power inlet and power switch (a.k.a. Emergency stop!) first, by designing a power inlet block to fit my jack and switch. Although not taking full advantage of the medium, I’ve found that 3D printers do a good job making custom front panels.


I shortened all of the wires under the base to size and then covered the servos and power wires with a wire mesh. (Wire management, in the form of extra crimp receptacles so that I could make custom wire lengths and wire mesh added $30 to the project cost…and quite a bit of time. After an hours work with my smallest needle nose pliers, I’ll be quite happy to outsource the population of crimp connectors.)

under_base_wireing mesh_wiring_keepers

Luckily, with the Rostock-Mini, a good number of the wires are under the base, but even if you didn’t choose to put your extruder servo up top like I did, you’d still have to deal with getting quite a few wires from the endstops and print head down to the base. My current plan is a big long length of wire mesh. (Did I mention that I like this stuff?)

Rostock-Mini: Fully Operational

After replacing the 1/8″ plywood temporary base and top frame plates with the final 1/4″ acrylic , my rostock-mini is working very well! The extra rigidity in the frame has greatly improved it’s positioning accuracy and it’s making prints that rival my Prussa Mendel for quality. The video above shows my round print bed and spring loaded adjustable levelers in action, as well as a close up of the delta bot motion.

This is a picture of the clear acrylic base plate before I added the print bed holder to it.

Here is the complete printer with the adjustable print bed.

I mounted the airtripper v3 bowden extruder cold end on the rear of the top plate. As it turns out, the M6 screw holes on the extruder are close enough to the right distance apart to match up with the idler top end printed bracket, so I can use the same M4 screws (with fender washers) to hold the extruder cold end as well as hold the top plate to the idler bracket! Once I saw that bit of luck I gave up all thoughts of mounting the extruder under the bottom frame plate.


Rostock-mini: Round adjustable print bed


The default rostock-mini design mounts the print bed directly to the base of the printer and adjusts the leveling of the hot end nozzle via three adjustment screws on the carriages that home the printer. This may work, but I wanted to make my round glass print bed removable (mounted via binderclips). I figured that if I was going to add an under-hanging lip for clipping purposes, I was going to need some space below it anyways, so I decided to make it adjustable with 3 screws at the same time. I mounted the adjustment knobs under the platform so that I only reduce the build volume by 5-10 mm total. This is my current platform design:

The rectangular areas are where binder clips attach. The holes in the rounded tabs are for a hex bolt and the two rectangular slots are for pins from a plastic piece that keeps the bolt head from turning.

(This allows a knob to turn on the bolt as a hight adjuster.) A piece of adhesive cork acting as insulation sits between this plate (which will be cut from 1/8″ birch plywood) and the glass build plate. The glass plate provides the structural rigidity and provides for a nearly flat build platform.


If you want to replicate this, all my design files are on Thingiverse, #63414.

Rostock-Mini: First Print

I finished the bowden tube extruder for my Rostock Mini build. It uses airtrippers V3 Bowden extruder for the coldend, a makergear hot end, and the rostock-mini hot-end holder.

I can actually print things with the rostock-mini, and say that I built a 3D printer using my (other) 3D printer. However, I have a lot of work to finish up before the printer is done (or even prints well). Now that I have all of the parts working together, I need to finalize the mounting position of everything, then I can laser cut the final 1/4″ acrylic top and bottom plate with all the appropriate mounting holes. I think I will be putting the airtripper extruder on the top plate, as opposed to under the body of the printer. I may also rig up a spool roller on the top as well. The 1/4″ acrylic (vs the current 1/8″ birch plywood) will give the printer a lot of needed rigidity. I also have to play with using the set screws on each carriage to adjust the height of the extruder head over the entire print surface, and determine exactly how I want to mount the glass build plate and bed heater.

Screwless Heart Gears for Valentines Day

I printed a copy of emmett’s screwless heart gears for Valentines Day in pink ABS. Depending upon how far the gears are rotated, it can look like a flying chicken, a toothy fish, or a heart.




An example of why I really like the 3D printing community: People complained that it was hard to get the pins inserted into the plastic parts. So kcmelty designed a tool (3D printable of course) that made it easy to insert the pins.

3D printed 3D printer cable management

A lot of cables for my Prussa Mendel 3D printer can simply be clipped or zip-tied in place. However, some of the cables go to moving parts, and need to be able to move with the part. Of course, if your cables get wrapped around something, or kinked, this motion can break them. A common solution to this problem is a cable carrier, which is an articulated mechanism that keeps cables rolling back and forth smoothly in a defined position without excessive bending of any one point on the cable.

Landru designed a 3D printable cable carrier and Buback made a version that could be clipped around existing cables and didn’t need bridging to print. Finally, Yzorg made some mounting ends for the cable. I printed some Yzorg mounting ends and Buback cable sections and used them to hold the power and sensor cables for my heated build platform. The video at the top of the post shows it in action as the Y-carriage (and build platform) move. Now I just have to organize all the other cables….
