Google Pixel 5A – Colorful Snow screen flashing problem – Resolved by re-flowing solder on motherboard

My wife’s Google Pixel 5A phone developed a problem where the screen would “flash” between a colorful snow pattern and was it was supposed to be showing. It started out slowly, with intermittent flashes, but quickly got worse where the screen was barely ever showing what it was supposed to. [It also does not accept touch input events when “flashing” the colored snow pattern..]

I was able to retrieve the data off of the phone by heating the entire phone up, but this was a temporary fix as the problem returns as soon as the phone cools down.

I was able to fix the problem (hopefully permanently) by completely disassembling the phone, extracting the motherboard, and hitting it with 5 minutes of heat from a 300 deg c hot air rework station. (I aimed the hot air at the video connector, and then at the covered set of chips right above the video connector (opposite from the battery connector), as I figured that was the most likely location for the video graphics chips. I still don’t know which EXACT component had the problem, but allowing the solder joints in that general area to re-flow appears to have fixed the problem, as when I re-assembled the phone it is working perfectly at room temperature.

Google Pixel 5A screen flashing “colored snow” – Recovering the photos.

Pixel 5a phone showing the USB Preferences screenGoogle pixel 5a showing the "colored snow" pattern

My wife’s Google Pixel 5a phone suddenly developed a hardware fault that presents as a “colored snow” screen flashing over the entire phone display. While the “colored snow” pattern is on the screen, the phone does not respond to touch events.

However, when the colored snow pattern is NOT showing, the phone display goes back to showing what it should be showing, and it will accept touch events.

The difficulty is that the speed of flashing is very fast (on the order of 0.5 seconds) so it is difficult to read the screen and push buttons or UI areas effectively to do anything.

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